About Us
Learn More About Us
Quail Roost Foundation’s Board Directors have been selected to give us a broad base of experience, not only in the fields of education, justice, health and the environment, but also in business, finance, and the management of non-profit organizations, including emergency relief operations. The skills of our board members come from experience gained both domestically as well as internationally.
Our Grants Manager and Executive Director handle the day-to-day operations of QRF. The Board meets three times a year.
In order to most effectively fulfill the mission of Quail Roost Foundation, the Board of Directors has formed several committees. Six committees research potential grantees in the sectors of All Creatures (Animal Welfare), Education, Emergency Relief, Health, Home Community (Taos County, NM and surrounding areas), Justice, and Sustainability. All board members assume responsibility of researching and quickly responding to calls for emergency relief assistance when appropriate. A finance committee oversees fiscal matters.
The majority of our annual budget is equally divided among the six sectors mentioned above, the Emergency & Contingency Fund, and discretionary funds, available to our board members for charitable uses of their choosing. Sector committees propose grants to the full Board of Directors for approval.
Many of our board members have had experience with fund-raising. We understand the need to keep paperwork to a minimum. In most cases, this is made possible by our personal knowledge of grantees. To learn more about our grantmaking, please see our Grants page.
As a private foundation, QRF does not actively seek donations. However, we do accept contributions from those who wish to further the foundation’s goals. QRF is a 501(c)(3) organization, and as such, donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Stipulation may be made for donations to go towards specific projects or sectors of funding, rather than general operating or administrative costs. A major goal of Quail Roost Foundation is to maximize the benefits of any and all funds available for distribution to grantees.

Equine Spirit Sanctuary
Christian and Tessie

Stirrups ‘n Strides
At Special Olympics for opening ceremonies

Four Corners Animal League
We have been able to purchase feed and hay, medical care, farrier services and dog and cat beds and toys with your generous donations. Thank you for your generosity and for helping our special-needs animals enjoy life on the farm!